

frequently asked questions







  • welcome to hourlyhyunggu!

  • i post content of kang hyunggu (kino) of pentagon every hour. this includes photos, gifs, and videos. i also tweet edits and other extra content sometimes!

  • currently posts are only every two hours since i have a full-time job ;-;

  • i post at the half-hour marks (e.g. 12:30, 2:30, etc.)

  • i'm the only admin. my pronouns are usually she/her, but i don't really mind whichever pronouns people use for me.

  • i am a native english speaker from the united states, but i am learning korean and will use translation apps if you need to ask something in another language!

  • i have a full-time job so if you need to talk to me it may take a bit for me to get back to you, but i will reply as soon as i can!

do you manually post every single hour?
no, i use an app called buffer (i have to pay for it each month sadly) to schedule posts about a day in advance.

can you stop posting pictures of kino with other members/with dawn?
i post photos of kino with the other members/with dawn because they are a part of his life, and i want this account to include all parts of kino's history (at least since he debuted). if you don't want to see certain other members, you can mute their names (in korean/hangul) because i always hashtag members' names when they are included in posts.

you posted something that someone else made/edited but didn't put credit on it!
sorry! i do my best to always get the credits right, but i'm only one person and sometimes i forget or mess up. please feel free to dm me and i can add credit or take the post down!

can you promote my new account?
maybe. i get a lot of messages like this and i feel uncomfortable promoting accounts that i don't know or that have no posts on them yet. in the past, some people have asked me to do this and have turned out to be not-very-nice people. if your account is pentagon-related, feel free to ask, but please don't be upset if i don't promote your account.
can you promote my rt deal?
no, sorry.

can i request posts of a certain kino outfit, date, hairstyle, or theme?
sure! you can request anything you want, and i will do my best to post it as soon as i can. you can also request a theme for an entire day of posts, but it will take me a little longer to get around to posting that. i also accept requests for video edits, but since those take a lot of time and i don't think i'm a very good video editor, i may not ever finish them >< i'm sorry~
can i dm/cc you about something random/something related to another member?
sure! i might not know the answer, but i’ll try my best to help ^^

do you have any favorite kino photos?
i have way too many, but i made a thread of my favorite kino outfits here if you want to see some of them!
do you have a main account?
yes i do, but i don't really share it openly here. if you want to know what it is, you can ask me in dms and i may give it out depending on how i'm feeling ^^